How does it work?
Our collection process is simple. After you have registered to join our collection scheme, we will provide you with a number of free collection boxes and posters.
After this, it is up to you to collect as many cartridges as possible. Once you have filled one or more boxes, simply go to our website and ask us to collect your box(es).
We will send you a collection confirmation notification following which your box(es) will be collected within 3 working days. The driver will also supply you with new empty collection boxes.
A few weeks after collection, we will complete our quality checks and provide you with a detailed breakdown of the number of cartridges collected. Simply send us an invoice for the amount stated in this breakdown and we will settle your invoice within 30 days of the invoice date.
It really is as easy as that. You do not have to worry about sorting your cartridges by type, maintaining lists of the number of cartridges collected or separating good from bad ink cartridges. We will do all the hard work for you!